June, 2024

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Issue #177

Welcome, Western Fans!

Looking for free, tantalizing Tales of the Old West?
You're at the right place.


Read this month's Tales and vote for your favorite.
They'll appear in upcoming print volumes of The Best of Frontier Tales Anthologies!

The Sergeant and the Irish Lass
by W. Wm. Mee
Mary is newly widowed, with two small children, and in the middle of the Great Plains in a Conestoga wagon. The Indians are on the warpath, the local minister is eager to get her married off, and a crude, drunken mountain man wants her. Can the cavalry rescue her in time?

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Tricks of the Trade
by Sharon Frame Gay
A young stranger ambles into town and meets his match at the poker table. His stake gone, all seems lost—or is it? Sometimes the lamb hunts the wolf.

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by Jennifer McMillan
Shiloh Hart arrives at the Platt River Ranch, Wyoming, after surviving a great blizzard, a pack of wolves, and the worst crime of all—being a Yankee in the post-Civil War West. But will he survive Confederate veteran John Stonewall?

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Renegade Sheriff
by Tom Sheehan
The town was young and growing, but the Proulx ranch has taken up robbing and killing with impunity. Blackwater Carrigan is hired on to be the law, but the Proulx crew decide to show the town who is really in control. Will the law prevail against chaos?

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The Truth About the Incident
by J. R. Lindermuth
An old man reveals the truth about a famous gunfight. Will his listener take his word for it?

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More Good Luck and Less Good Faith
by Eric A. L. Axner
Being a recent arrival in Good Faith City isn't easy, as Elwood Erskine finds out the hard way. When a ruthless outlaw threatens to take both his money and his life, it is up to his only friend in town to help him. But will he be in time?

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Want all of this month's Western stories at once? Click here –

All the Tales

Last Month's Winner

Congratulations goes to
Marc Neuffer!
Stubble Wind
was the Readers' Choice
for last month's Best Story.
Look for it in Volume 15 of
The Best of Frontier Tales.

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this month's winner!

Select your Best Story title,
enter your email address,
do the robot thing,
then click "Cast your vote"

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your vote won't be counted.
The Sergeant and the Irish Lass
Tricks of the Trade
Renegade Sheriff
The Truth About the Incident
More Good Luck and Less Good Faith
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Issue #176 – May 2024

Issue #175 – April 2024

Issue #174 – March 2024

Issue #173 – February 2024

Issue #172 – January 2024

Issue #171 – December 2023

Issue #170 – November 2023

Issue #169 – October 2023

Issue #168 – September 2023

Issue #167 – August 2023

Issue #166 – July 2023

Issue #165 – June 2023

Earlier issues are available
upon request.

Duke Pennell, Editor
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