October, 2024

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Issue #181

Welcome, Western Fans!

Looking for free, tantalizing Tales of the Old West?
You're at the right place.


Read this month's Tales and vote for your favorite.
They'll appear in upcoming print volumes of The Best of Frontier Tales Anthologies!

by Ralph S. Souders
A young rider encounters an eccentric old man in the desert. The old man, a miner, is searching for money that was hidden in the area by bank robbers. The rider agrees to help the miner in his search, but will they find the stash before the bandits return?

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The Cur
by Willy Whiskers
Western heroes come in all shapes, sizes and species. The Cur was one with four paws who knew his job and did it so well that his legacy lives on to this day.

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The Road to Laramie
by Dick Derham
"Hard work, clean living." Those were the rules of his childhood. But when a child becomes a man does he put aside childish ways?

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This is My Land
by Calum Robertson
Grandpappy settled on this stretch of land back around 1820, and my family has lived here ever since. We've fought wolves, bears, cougars, and the like to keep our stock safe, but now there's a strange new threat—one that kills people. But how do you fight music?

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Kid Bullet and the Gainful Ministry
by Tom Sheehan
Kid Bullet was elected sheriff in Winslow Hills, in the Wyoming Territory, at the age of twenty-one. But with a father who bragged on him constantly—and to anyone who would listen—would he survive to see twenty-two?

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Daniel Boone & The Wilderness Road
by W.Wm.Mee
Daniel Boone looked at the band of men that had survived the attack. "Abe, you n' your boys hit 'em from the right. My brother n' me'll come from the left." Daniel took his younger brother by the arm. "You see one of us in trouble, that's your target!"

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Want all of this month's Western stories at once? Click here –

All the Tales

Last Month's Winner

Congratulations goes to
Aitch Enfield!
The Waystation Incident
was the Readers' Choice
for last month's Best Story.
Look for it in Volume 15 of
The Best of Frontier Tales.

Help us decide
this month's winner!

Select your Best Story title,
enter your email address,
then click "Cast your vote"
but, please, only ONCE!

If you don't enter
your email address,
your vote won't be counted.
The Cur
The Road to Laramie
This is My Land
Kid Bullet and the Gainful Ministry
Daniel Boone & The Wilderness Road
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Issue #180 – September 2024

Issue #179 – August 2024

Issue #178 – July 2024

Issue #177 – June 2024

Issue #176 – May 2024

Issue #175 – April 2024

Issue #174 – March 2024

Issue #173 – February 2024

Issue #172 – January 2024

Issue #171 – December 2023

Issue #170 – November 2023

Issue #169 – October 2023

Earlier issues are available
upon request.

Duke Pennell, Editor
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